“SPRING CHARM ” 1950 by William Rogers Silverplate. Vivande (Luncheon) Set in lovely condition. This set was identified using Tere Hagan’s Silverplate Flatware Revised Fourth Edition Tere Hagan Page 161. The set was manufactured in 1950 by Wm. Set consists of the following pieces. Two large serving spoons. Six Vivande Forks (Longer shaft and used for setting luncheon tables). 14 coffee or tea spoons. All are monogramed with the most delicate letter “D”. Back in the day? It was not uncommon for women to have more than one setting of silverplate. One for luncheons and then the dinner set. This could have the regular sized forks added and make a lovely evening set. I did polish this set a few years ago and it has stood the test of time. Slight tarnish but nothing a little Wright’s Silver Polish would not clean right up. I did notice one spot of pitting on one of the soup spoons. Please look at the pictures carefully as this is a 70 year old set. Well, 74 year old set of silver plate. The design is beautiful. This price does not include the wooden box. If you would like a box, let me know! I will find one in this collection of mine. If you know anyone who needs a birthday present whose name starts or last name begins with a “D”. What a delightful gift.